ANT.ZIP 14274 04-24-95 Ant calculates diapole antenna lengths.
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ARN_0695.ZIP 66077 06-01-95 AmateurRadio Net(sm June 1995 InformationPack If you have any users interested inAmateur Radio, SWL, Scanners or CitizenBand this is the net for you We cover thesetopics and more QWK & FTS(FIDO)distributions avail Cur
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DC.ZIP 290177 07-15-95 DC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS, V1.4 ASP , MARCH 1995This program can create and evaluatecomputer circuits. The documentationfunctions as a tutorial on computercircuits. The program requires a 286 orlater, EGA or VGA graphics ad
DIGTAL20.ZIP 247575 04-08-95 Digital Challenge v2.00 ASP (ESC) Atraining software system for teaching andlearning electronics and computer hardwaretheory. Consist of 10 exercises which areautomatically graded on-line. Someexercises have context s
HCALL33.ZIP 142700 07-05-95 HamCall Lookup program v3.3 THE BAD BOYBBS! 310.378.3081 by Carl Tice (WC! 4.10 .wcx Amatuer Radio Call-Sign Look-up Programfor HAMCALL by BuckMaster 1. RIP screensbuilt-in 2. External Logs 3. Will search Wcdatabase f
LOGIC.ZIP 260298 07-15-95 LOGIC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS, V1.1 ASP , MARCH1995 This program can create and evaluatelogic circuits. The documentation functionsas a tutorial to learn about logic anddigital computers. The program requires a286 or later,
MSCAN201.ZIP 155447 06-21-95 MICROSCAN v2.01 by PA3GPY 08-MAY-1995 MSCAN2.01 The shareware version The SSTV & FAXprogram for the IBM-PC Now supports TRUECOLOR (16.8 M colors RX & TX in all popularSSTV & FAX modes Uses simple OPAMP-basedinterface
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RDKI11.ZIP 119564 05-22-95 RADIODESK 1.1 Database, tips and tricksconcerning SWL and HAM (shareware Fulldescription RADIODESK 1.1 Database programfor SWLs (shareware Now the mess on yourdesktop should finally stop! RADIODESK isthe ideal tool fo
SATPRO10.ZIP 140474 07-05-95 SatPro! v1.00R SatPro! is a communicationsprogram for use with PageSat SatelliteSystem. Incorporates multi-file processing,on screen statistics and will handle DOMAINspecific EMAIL SatPro! is the ULTIMATEsatellite rec
SCRL59.ZIP 675052 07-19-95 SCRL Semiconductor Cross-Reference LibraryV 5.9 Cross reference semiconductor devicesto suitable subsitutes, Search by devicenumber(full or partial) or description.Lead and configuration drawings, Over 48thousand devi
SWLIT123.ZIP 650286 06-28-95 SWLOGit v1.23 The ONLY program shortwavelisteners will ever need. This program isjust loaded with features Options:-Exceptional Logger Extensive_Search ofDatabase Report Script Writer WritesReports for you MUF Graphs
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TVRO14.ZIP 216787 06-26-95 TVRO ASSISTANT v1.4: Application forcalculating look angles, focal length, f Dratio, declination, and feed offset forhome satellite dish antennas User-accessable database with up to 100satellites. DOS, 286 or greater